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UNITS - Science

Toothpaste Technology

Science Unit 5/6H- Enquiry in environmental and technological contexts

For some general background about these units and how to use them, please read our teachers’ briefing.

Undertaking this unit of work, learn about the many objects and items in our everyday lives that come from quarried products. Since toothpaste contains quarried limestone, this forms the basis of this unit. Children experiment in making their own toothpaste, investigate commercially produced toothpastes and then devise an investigation to test their own toothpaste against the common shop-bought brands. Combined with this unit are strong literacy links, as children create instructional texts and adverts to promote their new brand of toothpaste

This unit is made up of:

Title Size Format
DownloadFront Cover 148kb Word Document
DownloadTeacher Introduction 20kb Word Document
DownloadLearning Objectives and Outcomes - based on adapted QCA unit 108kb Word Document
Lesson 1: DownloadIs it Really from a Quarry 36kb Word Document
Lesson 2: DownloadMake Your Own Toothpaste 36kb Word Document
DownloadWorksheet 1 - Make your own toothpaste 40kb Word Document
Lesson 3: DownloadTest that Toothpaste 28kb Word Document
DownloadWorksheet 2 - Test that Toothpaste Investigation 52kb Word Document
Additional Materials: DownloadAppendices,Images, Links 24kb Word Document
DownloadEntire Unit 828kb PDF Document
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